Global Missions
Making Disciples of All Nations
Cru is passionate about our role in God's Great Commission. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commands believers to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." We believe that as believers, our purpose is to glorify God through sharing the good news of the gospel with individuals all over the world. Cru strives to provide opportunities for students to learn how to share their faith and take the gospel to the nations.
Campus Partnership: Sweden
Each year students have the opportunity to go on a summer mission. Cru offers summer missions in both the United States and around the world. Summer missions are an incredible opportunity to grow in your faith and share your faith with others. At Duke, we are exploring a partnership specifically with Uppsala, Sweden. Uppsala, a sophisticated university town, is home to the oldest university in Sweden. With a campus of roughly 52,000 students and only a handful of Christians, very few students have ever heard about who Jesus is. We want to bring love and hope of Jesus to these future leaders in Sweden!